8 Steps to Build a Lucrative and Sustainable Medical Practice

The Docere Center Approach is all of the information I wish I had known when starting my practice that medical school did not prepare me for. This free guide covers organizational skills, marketing and financial insights, optimizing patient outcomes, the art of expanding your team and more!

Are you an overwhelmed doctor seeking to grow your practice and make a bigger impact?

Dr. Leila Turner offers both group and individual coaching to doctors to develop their skills as business owners and clinicians.

Dr. Turner has over 15 years of clinical experience and runs a thriving medical center in Arcadia-Phoenix in Arizona. She coaches other practitioners to build organized, efficient and successful medical practices.

Whether you're just starting your business or have been practicing for years and are ready to take your business to the next level... these are some common challenges we all face as entrepreneurs:

Docere Coaching can help you increase your impact so that...

Does this sound familiar?

Does this sound familiar?

Docere Coaching can help you increase your impact so that...

Professional Coaching with Dr. Turner Offers:

Strategy for Running a Successful Medical Center

Office Workflows

Clinical Workflows

Productivity Habits and a Framework for Efficiency

"Dr. Leila Turner is simply the BEST! She is an amazing leader in our profession, a great teacher, and genuinely a great person who has to much to offer! Her teaching style is very pragmatic which is VERY valuable to the clinical setting and for patient care. I know without a doubt, she has helped shaped me to become the doctor that I am today. And I'm happy to share that my practice is thriving!"

Dr. Adrienne Stewart

"Dr. Leila Turner is seriously one of the best teachers I have ever had. Her teaching style caters to all kinds of learning needs. She is fun, energetic, and intelligent and you will retain the information she shares with you! I highly recommend her!"

Dr. Linda Khoshaba

"Dr. Turner is a wealth of information and what I love most about her teachings are it's simplified, easy to understand and can directly be implemented. Her passion for our community is contagious!"

Dr. Erin Ellis

"My practice and level of expertise as a doctor would not be where it is today without support from Dr. Turner. She knows how to break down things in a way that makes it easy to understand and manageable. She is effortlessly able to walk me through the steps needed to organize my practice operations and my patient care management in a way to help avoid burnout and still maintain optimal patient experience. I highly recommend taking her course."

Dr. Danielle Lewis

"Dr. Turner has been my mentor since my first year of medical school. She has been a great resource for both clinical knowledge, practice management information, and general support throughout my years as a student and transition into a physician. She has a wealth of information and is always willing to share with others to help our profession grow. If you are looking for more guidance and education, I can't recommend Dr. Turner enough."

Dr. Natalie Scheeler

Free Access to Dr. T's

Favorite Resources for Business Owners

A list of Dr. Turner’s favorite tools, resources and referrals for running an efficient practice. From accounting referrals to graphic design help, you’ll be able to find trusted referrals here!

“There is always more than meets the eye. It's likely there are numerous underlying contributing factors and, in order to be successful, you must identify what's going on. Only then will your hard work pay off.”

Dr. Leila Turner

Hello Enterpreneurs,

I have been teaching students to become doctors and doctors to become entrepreneurs for almost 15 years. I am so blessed that I love what I do and I love to mentor others to do the same. Juggling all the realms of private practice is no joke. I would love to mentor those motivated and share my naturopathic nectar and the tried and true pearls of wisdom I’ve collected over the years. I offer unique business coaching and clinical mentorship opportunities to Naturopathic Physicians through my group programs and 1:1 coaching.

I am passionate about teaching new doctors to become successful, organized, efficient, and well balanced naturopathic doctors so they can create a medical practice that is lucrative and soul-fulfilling.

I have been an engaged and creative teacher for most of my life. I taught dance for 8 years in high school and college, I mentored younger classmen in college and medical school. As a resident, I launched the hands-on clinical practice rotation at SCNM which created opportunities and guidance to practice doctoring skills. Then, as a full-time faculty, I was integral to setting up the new clinical practice curriculum that has spanned 6 quarters of medical training. I was part of setting up the milestone exams and proctored hundreds of students as they traversed the clinic entrance and exit exams. After graduation, I spent 9 years as an independent contractor in a highly successful practice in Scottsdale where I delved into refining my clinical skills. I then set up my practice and spent the next 7-years managing and fine-tuning my medical center, which is continuing to grow. I have employed numerous employees and work with independent contracted doctors at my practice. I have culminated clinical and administrative wisdom I’m passionate about sharing with eager doctors who need mentorship and guidance.

I invite YOU to check out my group programs and 1:1 coaching opportunities. Apply to Schedule a Free Discovery call.

Cheers to your organizational amazingness and entrepreneurial manifestations

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